Seafarers Lane Project

Lifting blower hoses for sand and soft fall mulch installation

Discover the Seafarers Lane Project ecoDynamics completed in 2002.

On behalf of the City of Melbourne, our client, Programmed Property Services, approached our team with an interesting challenge – installing materials to an upper level in a busy Docklands location.

Programmed Property Services needed sand and Soft Fall mulch installed in the playground and sandpit at the Docklands Child Care Centre that was located on level 1.

Our installation method was using our Blower Trucks to install both the sand and mulch. The more challenging part was getting the hoses into the level 1 Building Centre. We had to find a solution to installing sand and mulch onto the project site while overcoming a height barrier.

Using a crane boom to support our blower truck also assisted in preventing the hose from touching the building’s façade.

Once the lengthy boom was in place, the Blower Truck and sand tanker were other significant obstacles that required road closures and implementing traffic management procedures.

Scope of the Seafarers Lane Project:

·        12m3 of Softfall Mulch carried and blown from a blower truck

·        6.5m3 of Kiln Dried Sand carried and blown from a sand tanker.